Main Features

  1. Multiple file upload
  2. Drag and drop
  3. Queue Upload with limit
  4. Thombnails and list queue upload
  5. Restrict unwanted file formats
  6. Multiple image upload and resize
  7. Keep image quality while uploading
  8. Retain transparency for images e.g. PNG
  9. store uploaded images and files into database instantly when enabled.
  10. Plupload plugin
  11. Single php class to handle upload
  12. Enable or dissable random file upload
  13. LIVE uploads without page reload
  14. Full Documentation

Quick guide on how to use this script

Unzip the FileUploader folder to your server, then run the startupload.php or startupload2.php file.
E.g. http://localhost/FileUploader/startupload.php .

For more settings see below.

General Settings

Open the uploader/config.php with any text editor and complete your uploads and database settings as directed in the configuration file.

If you are using it with database complete the following settings

Open the upload.txt copy the SQL to create table in your database. Then complete the below:

  1. LOCALHOST: This is your host server e.g localhost
  2. DB_USERNAME: This is your database username
  3. DB_PASSWORD: This is the password associated with your database.
  4. DB_NAME: This is your database name.
  5. DB_TYPE: This is your database type which is mysql
  6. Other settings

  7. UPLOAD_FILE_URL: This is the upload handling file path
  8. UPLOAD_SUPPORT_EXT: This is file supported extension (e.g. jpg,gif,png,zip,pdf,doc,docx)
  9. FILE_RENAME: Rename-file with random number or leave the original name (true or false)
  10. MAX_FILE_COUNT: Number of files user can upload at a go (sets multiple_queues to false for unlimited)
  11. MAX_FILE_SIZE: This is the maximum file size user can upload in MB
  12. UPLOAD_VISIBILITY: This can either be thumbs or list (this is active state)
  13. UPLOAD_PATH: This is the path you want to upload your files
  14. UPLOAD_PATH_THUMB: This is the path you want to upload images thumbnails.
  15. BIG_IMAGE_WIDTH: This is the maximum an image can be resized to when uploaded.
  16. THUMB_IMAGE_WIDTH: This is the maximum an image thumbnail can be resized to when uploaded.

How do I implement this script to my project

  1. Copy the all files to your project which include uploader/, uploads/
  2. Open startupload.php or startupload2.php
  3. Copy the files as directed to your project
  4. If you already included the latest jquery and jqueryui js and css to your project, no need to copy this again.

IMPORTANT: The uploads/ folder contains all the files you will be uploading.


  • PHP 5+
  • MySQL 5+
  • PDO Driver Enabled (when using it with database)
  • GD Library Enabled

  • Thank you for purchasing this script. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email us via our email address
    Thanks so much!